Specialist Mental Health Services:
Specialist Mental Health Team
Clinical input is provided by an in-house mental health team who work closely with each home with the aim of developing a holistic, bespoke package of care addressing the developmental, social care and mental health needs of each young person.
The Clinical team comprises:
Services offered by Specialist Mental Health Team.
- Pre-admission assessment.
- Transition planning and support.
- Individualised care and treatment plans.
- Risk formulation and management plan.
- Care Co-ordination and liaison with all professionals involved.
- Weekly reviews by a Specialist Mental Health Nurse.
- Regular reviews, monitoring of mental state and medication review by the Consultant Psychiatrist within role as the Responsible Clinician for the Mental Health Act.
- Care Programme Approach (CPA) meetings consistent with stage of care.
- 24 hour Crisis Management via on-call system by Registered Mental Health Nurses and Consultant Psychiatrist.
- Psychological and psychometric assessment informing planned, evidence based input through regular individual sessions, staff supervision and/or group work.
- Occupational Therapy assessment of need informing weekly activity planning, individual input, therapeutic community, educational and vocational activities.
- Additional therapeutic input arranged as required; including dietetic input and family therapy.